- Z.J. Wang, Y. Li, F. Jia, G.M. Laskowski, J. Kopriva, U. Paliath, R. Bhaskaran, Towards industrial large eddy simulation using the FR/CPR method, Computers and Fluids, in press.
- F. Jia, Z.J. Wang, R. Bhaskaran, U. Paliath, G.M. Laskowski, Accuracy, Efficiency and Scalability of Explicit and Implicit FR/CPR Schemes in Large Eddy Simulation, AIAA-2017-3096.
- Z. Duan and Z.J. Wang, A High Order FR/CPR Method for Overset Strand and Cartesian Meshes and Moving Boundaries, AIAA-2017-3094.
- A.R. Aguiar, C. Breviglieri, T. dos Santos, J.L.F. Azevedo, Z.J. Wang, High-Order Meshes for Flow Simulations with a Spectral Difference Method, AIAA 2017-4294, 23rd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 2017, 10.2514/6.2017-4294.
- Y. Li and Z.J. Wang, A convergent and accuracy preserving limiter for the FR/CPR method (AIAA 2017-0756) 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2017.
- R. Bhaskaran, F. L. Jia, G.M. Laskowski, Z. J. Wang, U. Paliath, Towards High-Order Large Eddy Simulation of Aero-Thermal Flows for Turbomachinery Applications, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2017: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT2017, June 26-30, 2017, Charlotte, NC, USA.
- S-J Li, Z.J. Wang, L. Ju, L-S Luo, Explicit Large Time Stepping with A Second-Order Exponential Time Integrator Scheme for Unsteady and Steady Flows (AIAA 2017-0753) 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2017.
- E. Jourdan, F.M. Moreira, C. Breviglieri, J.L.F. Azevedo, Z.J. Wang, A Study of Efficiency of Implicit High-Order Spectral Difference Method Implementations (AIAA 2017-0740) 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2017.
- Y. Li and Z.J. Wang, A Priori and a Posteriori Evaluations of Sub-grid Scale Models for the Burgers’ Equation, Computers and Fluids, 139 (2016) 92–104.
- H. Zhu, S. Fu, L. Shi and Z. J. Wang, Implicit Large-Eddy Simulation for the High-Order Flux Reconstruction Method, AIAA Journal, Vol. 54, No. 9, pp. 2721-2733, (2016).
- Z.J. Wang and Y. Li, A mathematical analysis of scale similarity, Communications in Computational Physics, in press.
- M. Yu and Z.J. Wang, Homotopy Continuation of the High-Order Flux Reconstruction/Correction Procedure via Reconstruction (FR/CPR) Method for Steady Flow Simulation, Computers and Fluids 131 (2016) 16–28.
- Z.J. Wang and H.T. Huynh, “A review of flux reconstruction or correction procedure via reconstruction method for the Navier-Stokes equations,” Mechanical Engineering Reviews, Vol. 3, No.1 (2016) 1-16.
- G.M. Laskowski, J. Kopriva, V. Michelassi, S. Shankaran, U. Paliath, R. Bhaskaran, Q. Wang, C. Talnikar, Z.J. Wang, F. Jia, Future Directions of High-Fidelity CFD for Aero-Thermal Turbomachinery Research, Analysis and Design, AIAA-2016-3322.
- Z.J. Wang and Y. Li, Recent Progresses in Large Eddy Simulations with the FR/CPR Method, Ninth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ICCFD9), Istanbul, Turkey, July 11-15, 2016, ICCFD9-2016-149.
- L. Shi, C. Zhou and Z.J. Wang, “Adaptive RANS Solution with the High-order Correction Procedure via Reconstruction Method,” AIAA-2016-1826.
- L. Shi and Z.J. Wang, “Adjoint-based Mesh Adaptation for the 3D Navier-Stokes Equations with the High-order CPR Method,” AIAA-2016-1829.
- H. Zhu, S. Fu, L. Shi, and ZJ Wang, “A Hybrid RANS-Implicit LES Approach for the High-Order FR/CPR Method,” AIAA-2016-1599.
- Z. Duan, Z.J. Wang, L. Duncil and B. Vu, “Simulation of Moving Bodies Using a Meshfree Method,” AIAA-2016-1583.
- Z. J. Wang, “A perspective on high-order methods in computational fluid dynamics”, Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 58, 614701 (2015).
- M. L. Yu, F. X. Giraldo, M. Peng, and Z. J. Wang, “Localized artificial viscosity stabilization of discontinuous Galerkin methods for nonhydrostatic mesoscale atmospheric modeling”, Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 143, No. 12, pp. 4823-4845, 2015.
- L. Shi and Z.J. Wang, “Adjoint-based error estimation and mesh adaptation for the correction procedure via reconstruction method,” Journal of Computational Physics, 295 (2015) 261–284.
- J. Ims, Z. Duan, Z.J. Wang, “meshCurve: An Automated Low-Order to High-Order Mesh Generator,” AIAA-2015-2293.
- Z. Duan, Z.J. Wang, and B. Vu, “Recent Progresses on a Meshless Euler Solver for Compressible Flows,” AIAA-2015-2452.
- Y. Li, Z.J. Wang, A priori and a posteriori evaluations of subgrid stress models with the Burgers’ equation, AIAA 2015-1283.
- C. Zhou, Z.J. Wang CPR High-order Discretization of the RANS Equations with the SA Model, AIAA 2015-1286.
- L. Shi, Zhi J. Wang, Adjoint-based Adaptation for the Correction Procedure via Reconstruction Method on Hybrid Meshes, AIAA 2015-1740.
- M. Yu, Z.J. Wang, Homotopy Continuation for Correction Procedure via Reconstruction – Discontinuous Galerkin (CPR-DG) Methods, AIAA 2015-0570.
- B.J. Zimmerman and Z.J. Wang, “The efficient implementation of correction procedure via reconstruction with graphics processing unit computing,” Computers & Fluids, 101 (2014) 263–272.
- M.L. Yu, Z. J. Wang and H. Hu, “Numerical optimization of flapping foil kinematics using high-order spectral difference method,”ActaAerodynamicaSinica, Volume 32, No. 6, December 2014, Pages 727-740.
- Z.J. Wang, “High-order CFD Tools for Aircraft Design”, Philosophical Transactions A of the Royal Society, 372, 20130318, July 2014.
- H.T. Huynh, Z.J. Wang and P.E. Vincent, “High-Order Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics:A Brief Review of Compact Differential Formulations on Unstructured Grids, Computers and Fluids Volume 98, 2 July 2014, Pages 209–220.
- M.L. Yu, Z. J. Wang and Y. Liu, “On the accuracy and efficiency of discontinuous Galerkin, spectral difference and correction procedure via reconstruction methods,” Journal of Computational Physics Volume 259, 15 February 2014, Pages 70–95.
- M. Yu and Z.J. Wang, Shock Capturing for the Correction Procedure via Reconstruction Method Using Artificial Viscosity and Diffusivity, in Proceedings of the 8thInternational Conference on CFD, ICCFD8-2014-0079.
- J.S. Park, M. Yu, C. Kim and Z.J. Wang, Comparative Study of Shock-Capturing Methods for High-Order CPR: MLP and Artificial Viscosity, in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on CFD, ICCFD8-2014-0067.
- S. Lei and Z.J. Wang, Adjoint Based Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation for the CPR Method, in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on CFD, ICCFD8-2014-0096.
- M. Yu, Z.J. Wang and S. Farokhi, Impact of Mean Flow Shear on the Wake Vortical Structure behind Oscillating Airfoils, AIAA 2014-2995.
- C. Zhou, Z.J. Wang, An Evaluation of Implicit Time Integration Schemes for Discontinuous High Order Methods, AIAA 2013-2688.
- L. Shi, Z.J. Wang, Adjoint Based Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation for the CPR Method, AIAA 2013-2869.
- HT Huynh, Z. J. Wang, P. Vincent, High-Order Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics: A Brief Review of Compact Differential Formulation on Unstructured Grids, AIAA 2013-2564.
- Y. Li, Z.J. Wang, Evaluation of Optimized CPR Schemes for Computational Aeroacoustics Benchmark Problems, AIAA-2013-2689.
- M. Yu, Z.J. Wang, Numerical simulation of oscillating-wing based energy harvest mechanism using the high-order spectral difference method, AIAA-2013-2670.
- B. Zimmerman, Z.J. Wang, The Efficient Implementation of Correction Procedure Via Reconstruction with GPU Computing, AIAA 2013-2692.
- B. Zimmerman, Z.J. Wang, M.R. Visbal, High-Order Spectral Difference: Verification and Acceleration using GPU Computing, AIAA 2013-2941.
- M. Yu and Z.J. Wang, “On the accuracy and efficiency of several discontinuous high-order formulations,” AIAA-2013-855.
- M. Yu, Z.J. Wang, H. Hu, High-Fidelity Optimization of Flapping Airfoils for Maximum Propulsive Efficiency, AIAA-2013-0085.
- L. Shi and Z.J. Wang, Adjoint Based Error Estimation and hp-Adaptation for the High-Order CPR Method, AIAA-2013-0999.
- V. Vikas, Z. J. Wang, R. O. Fox “Realizable High-Order Finite-Volume Schemes for Quadrature-Based Moment Methods applied to Diffusion Population Balance Equations”, in press, J. Computational Physics.
- V. Vikas, C. D. Hauck, Z. J. Wang, R. O. Fox, “Radiation Transport Modeling using Extended Quadrature Method Of Moments,” in press, J. Computational Physics.
- M.L. Yu, Z. J. Wang, H. Hu, Formation of Bifurcated Wakes Behind Finite Span Flapping Wings,AIAA Journal, in press.
- Z.J. Wang, K.J. Fidkowski, R. Abgrall, F. Bassi, D. Caraeni, A. Cary, H. Deconinck, R. Hartmann, K. Hillewaert, H.T. Huynh, N. Kroll, G. May, P-O. Persson, B. van Leer, and M. Visbal. “High-Order CFD Methods: Current Status and Perspective,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 72, 811-845, (2013).
- H. Gao and Z.J. Wang, “A Conservative Correction Procedure via Reconstruction Formulation with the Chain-Rule Divergence Evaluation”, J. Computational Physics 232, 7–13 (2013).
- Y. Li and Z.J. Wang, “An Optimized Correction Procedure via Reconstruction Formulation for Broadband Wave Computation”, Communications in Computational Physics, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 1265-1291 (2013).
- H. Gao, Z.J. Wang and H.T. Huynh, “Differential Formulation of Discontinuous Galerkin and Related Methods for the Navier-Stokes Equations”, Communications in Computational Physics 13, No. 4, 1013-1044 (2013).
- M.L. Yu, Z.J. Wang, “On the Connection Between the Correction and Weighting Functions in the Correction Procedure via Reconstruction Method,” J SciComput 54, 227–244 (2013).
- M. Yu, Z.J. Wang, Hui Hu, “The Effects of Wing Planforms on the Aerodynamic Performance of Thin Finite-Span Flapping Wings,” AIAA-2012-757.
- L. Shi, Z.J. Wang, S. Fu, L. Zhang, “A PNPM-CPR Method for Navier-Stokes Equations”, AIAA-2012-460.
- M. Yu, Z.J. Wang, H. Hu, “Experimental and Numerical Investigations on the Asymmetric Wake Vortex Structures of an Oscillating Airfoil”, AIAA-2012-299.
- Hoffmann, M., Munz, C.-D., and Wang, Z. J., “Efficient Implementation of the CPR Formulation for the Navier-Stokes Equations on GPUs,” in Proceedings of the 7thInternational Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD7-2603.
- Yu, M., Wang, Z. J., and Hu, H., “High-Fidelity Flapping-Wing Aerodynamics Simulations with a Dynamic Unstructured Grid Based Spectral Difference Method,” in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD7-4104.
- M.L. Yu, Z. J. Wang and H. Hu, “Airfoil Thickness Effects on the Thrust Generation of Plunging Airfoils”, J. of Aircraft, J. of Aircraft 49 (5) 1434-1439, (2012).
- Y. Zhou and Z.J. Wang, “Effects of Surface Roughness on Separated and Transitional Flows over a Wing,” AIAA Journal 50 (3), 593-609, (2012).
- Kannan, R. and Wang, Z.J., “Improving the high order spectral volume formulation using a diffusion regulator”, Communications in Computational Physics 12, No. 1, 247-260 (2012).
- R. Kannan and Z.J. Wang, “A High Order Spectral Volume solution to the Burgers’ equation using the Hopf-Cole Transformation.” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 69, No. 4, 781–801, (2012).
- Y. Zhou and Z. J. Wang, “A Low-Frequency Instability/Oscillation near the Airfoil Leading-Edge at Low Reynolds Numbers and Moderate Incidences,” AIAA-2011-3548.
- J. Andren, H. Gao, M. Yano, D. Darmofal, C. Gooch, Z.J. Wang, “A Comparison of Higher-Order Methods on a Set of Canonical Aerodynamics Applications,” AIAA-2011-3230.
- Z.J. Wang, L. Shi, S. Fu, H. Zhang, L. Zhang,“ A PNPM-CPR Framework for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws,” AIAA-2011-3227.
- T. Haga, H. Gao and Z. J. Wang, “A High-Order Unifying Discontinuous Formulation for the Navier-Stokes Equations on 3D Mixed Grids,” Math. Model. Nat. Phenom., accepted.
- R. Kannan and Z.J. Wang, “Curvature and Entropy Based Wall Boundary Condition for the High Order Spectral Volume Euler Solver,” Computers and Fluids, accepted.
- K. Kitamura, E. Shima, K. Fujimoto, and Z. J. Wang, “Performance of Low-Dissipation Euler Fluxes and Preconditioned LU-SGS at Low Speeds,” Communications in Computational Physics, accepted.
- R. Kannan and Z.J. Wang, “LDG2: A variant of the LDG flux formulation for the Spectral Volume Method”, Journal of Scientific Computing, 46 (2), 314-328 (2011).
- K. Kitamura, K. Fujimoto, E. Shima, K. Kuzuu and Z. J. Wang, “Validation of an Arbitrary Unstructured CFD Code for Aerodynamic Analyses,” Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences 53 (182), 311–319 (2011).
- C. Liang, K. Ou, S. Premasuthan, A. Jameson, and Z. J. Wang, “High-order accurate simulations of unsteady flow past plunging and pitching airfoils”, Computer & Fluids 40, 236-248 (2011).
- Y. Zhou and Z.J. Wang, “Effect of Surface Roughness on Laminar Separation Bubble over a Wing at a Low-Reynolds Number,” AIAA-2011-736.
- T. Haga and Z.J. Wang, “Efficient Solution Techniques for High-Order Methods on 3-D Anisotropic Hybrid Meshes,” AIAA-2011-45.
- H. Gao and Z.J. Wang, “A Residual-Based Procedure for Hp-Adaptation on 2-D Hybrid Meshes,” AIAA-2011-492.
- Y. Zhou and Z.J. Wang, “Absorbing boundary conditions for the Euler and Navier–Stokes equations with the spectral difference method”, Journal of Computational Physics 229, 8733–8749 (2010).
- R. Kannan and Z.J. Wang, “The direct discontinuous Galerkin (DDG) viscous flux scheme for the high order Spectral Volume method”, Computer & Fluids 39, (2010) 2007–2021.
- H. Gao, Z.J. Wang, and Y. Liu, “A study of curved boundary representations for 2D high order Euler solvers,” J. Scientific Computing 44, 323–336, 2010.
- A.H. Mohammad, Z.J. Wang, C.L. Liang, “Large eddy simulation of flow over a cylinder using high-order spectral difference method,” Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2 (4), 451-466, 2010.
- Yi Li and Z.J. Wang, “A Frequency-optimized Discontinuous Formulation for Wave Propagation Problems”, AIAA-2010-5035.
- V. Vikas, Z. J. Wang, A. Passalacqua, R. O. Fox, “A fully coupled fluid-particle solver using quadrature-based moment method with higher-order realizable schemes on unstructured grids”, 7th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF), Tampa, Florida, May 30th – June 4th, 2010. [PDF]
- R. Kannan and Z.J. Wang, “A high order Spectral Volume method for moving boundary problems”, AIAA-2010-4992.
- Francesca Iacono, Georg May and Z.J. Wang, “Relaxation Techniques for High-Order Discretizations of Steady Compressible Inviscid Flows”, AIAA-2010-4991.
- Y. Zhou and Z.J. Wang, “Implicit Large Eddy Simulation of Transitional Flow over a SD7003 Wing Using High-order Spectral Difference Method”, AIAA-2010-4442.
- Y. Zhou and Z.J. Wang, “Simulation of CAA Benchmark Problems Using High-Order Spectral Difference Method and Perfectly Matched Layers,” AIAA-2010-838.
- M. Yu, H. Hu, Z.J. Wang, “A Numerical Study of Flow Around an Oscillating Airfoil with High-Order Spectral Difference Method,” AIAA-2010-726.
- R. Harris and Z. J. Wang, “Partition Design and Optimization for High-Order Spectral Volume Schemes on Tetrahedral Grids, AIAA-2010-720.
- T. Haga, H. Gao, Z.J. Wang, “A High-Order Unifying Discontinuous Formulation for 3-D Mixed Grids,” AIAA-2010-540.
- V Vikas, Z J Wang, R.O. Fox, A. Passalacqua, “High-Order Realizable Finite Volume Schemes for Quadrature Based Moment Method, AIAA-2010-1080.
- K. Kitamura, K. Fijimoto, E. Shima, Z. Wang, “Performance of Low-Dissipation Euler Fluxes and Preconditioned Implicit Schemes in Low Speeds,” AIAA-2010-1272.
- Z.J. Wang and Haiyang Gao, “A unifying lifting collocation penalty formulation including the discontinuous Galerkin, spectral volume/difference methods for conservation laws on mixed grids,” Journal of Computational Physics 228 (2009) 8161–8186.
- R. Harris and Z.J. Wang, “High-order adaptive quadrature-free spectral volume method on unstructured grids,” Computers & Fluids 38 (2009) 2006–2025.
- M. Yang and Z.J. Wang, “A Parameter-Free Generalized Moment Limiter for High-Order Methods on Unstructured Grids,” Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 1 (2009), 451-480.
- C. Liang, A. Jameson, and Z.J. Wang, “Spectral difference method for compressible flow on unstructured grids with mixed elements,” Journal of Computational Physics, 228 (2009) 2847–2858.
- R. Kannan and Z.J. Wang, “A Study of Viscous Flux Formulations for a P-Multigrid Spectral Volume Navier Stokes Solver” Journal of Scientific Computing 41 (2), (2009) 165-199.
- T. Haga, K. Sawada, and Z.J. Wang, “An Implicit LU-SGS Scheme for the Spectral Volume Method on Unstructured Tetrahedral Grids,” Communications in Computational Physics 6 (2009), 978-996.
- Y. Sun, Z.J. Wang and Y. Liu,“Efficient Implicit Non-linear LU-SGS Approach for Compressible Flow Computation Using High-Order Spectral Difference Method”, Communications in Computational Physics, Vol.5, No.2-4, pp. 760-778 (2009).
- C. Liang, R. Kannan and Z.J. Wang, “A p-multigrid Spectral Difference method with explicit and implicit smoothers on unstructured triangular grids,” Computers & Fluids 38, 254–265 (2009).
- H. Gao and Z.J. Wang , ” A High-Order Lifting Collocation Penalty Formulation for the Navier-Stokes Equations on 2-D Mixed Grids,” AIAA-2009-3784
- Z.J. Wang and H. Gao, “A Unifying Lifting Collocation Penalty Formulation for the Euler Equations on Mixed Grids,” AIAA-2009-401.
- C. Liang, S. Premasuthan,A.Jameson,Z.J.Wang, “Large Eddy Simulation of Compressible Turbulent Channel Flow with Spectral Difference Method,” AIAA-2009-402.
- M. Yang and Z.J. Wang, “A Parameter-Free Generalized Moment Limiter for High-Order Methods on Unstructured Grids,” AIAA-2009-605.
- S. Premasuthan, C. Liang, A. Jameson and Z.J.Wang, “A p-Multigrid Spectral Difference method for viscous compressible flow using 2D quadrilateral meshes,” AIAA-2009-950.
- K. Fujimoto, K. Fujii, and Z. J. Wang, “Improvements in the Reliability and Efficiency of Body-fitted Cartesian Grid Method,” AIAA-2009-1173.?/font>
- R. Harris and Z. J. Wang, “Partition Design and Optimization for High-Order Spectral Volume Schemes,” AIAA-2009-1333.
- K Van den Abeele, C. Lacor and Z.J. Wang, “On the stability and accuracy of the spectral difference method,” Journal of Scientific Computing, Journal of Scientific Computing 37, (2008) 162–188.
- R. Harris, Z.J. Wang and Y. Liu, “Efficient Quadrature-Free High-Order Spectral Volume Method on Unstructured Grids: Theory and 2D Implementation,” Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 227, No. 3, pp. 1620-1642 (2008).
- J.P. Bons, S.T. McClain, Z.J. Wang, X. Chi and T. I.-P. Shih, “A Comparison of Approximate Vs. Exact Geometrical Representations of Roughness for CFD Calculations of Cp and St,” Journal of Turbomachinery, Volume 130, 021024 (2008).
- A. H. Mohammad, Z. J. Wang, and C. Liang, “Large Eddy Simulation of Flow over a Cylinder Using High-Order Spectral Difference Method,” AIAA-2008-7184.
- R. Harris and Z.J. Wang, High-Order Adaptive Quadrature-Free Spectral Volume Method on Unstructured Grids, AIAA-2008-779.
- H. Gao, H. Hu and Z.J. Wang, Computational Study of Unsteady Flows around Dragonfly and Smooth Airfoils at Low Reynolds Numbers, AIAA-2008-385.
- R. Kannan, Y. Sun and Z.J. Wang, A Study of Viscous Flux Formulations for an Implicit P-Multigrid Spectral Volume Navier Stokes Solver, AIAA-2008-783.
- Z.J. Wang, “High-order methods for the Euler and Navier–Stokes equations on unstructured grids,” Journal of Progress in Aerospace Sciences, Vol. 43, pp. 1–41 (2007).
- K Van den Abeele, C. Lacor and Z.J. Wang, “On the connection between the spectral volume and the spectral difference method,” Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 227, No. 2, pp. 877-885 (2007).
- R. Kannan and Z.J. Wang, “Overset Adaptive Cartesian/Prism Grid Method for Moving Boundary Flow Problems,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 45, No. 7, pp. 1774-1779 (2007).
- Z.J. Wang, Y. Liu, G. May and A. Jameson, “Spectral Difference Method for Unstructured Grids II: Extension to the Euler Equations,” Journal of Scientific Computing, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 45-71 (2007).
- Y. Sun, Z.J. Wang and Y. Liu, “High-Order Multidomain Spectral Difference Method for the Navier-Stokes Equations on Unstructured Hexahedral Grids”, Communications in Computational Physics, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 310-333 (2007).
- Y. Sun, Z.J. Wang, and Y. Liu, “Efficient Implicit LU- SGS Scheme For Viscous Flow Computation Using High- Order Spectral Difference Method,” AIAA-2007-4322.
- H. Yang, R. Harris, Z. Wang, and Y. Liu, “Efficient Quadrature- Free 3d High- Order Spectral Volume Method On Unstructured Grids,” AIAA-2007-4325.
- P. Tota, and Z.J. Wang, “Meshfree Euler Solver Using Local Radial Basis Functions For Inviscid Compressible Flows,” AIAA-2007-4581.
- C. Liang, R. Kannan And Z. Wang, “P- Multigrid Spectral Difference Method With Explicit and Implicit Smoothers On Unstructured Grids,” AIAA-2007-4326.
- C. Chen, Y. Chen, B. Chen, R. Jain, Z.J. Wang, Lund, “High Fidelity Multidisciplinary Tool Development For Helicopter Quieting,” AIAA-2007-3807.
- Y. Sun, Z.J. Wang and Y. Liu, “Efficient Implicit LU-SGS Scheme for High-Order Spectral Difference Method on Unstructured Hexahedral Grids”, AIAA-2007-313.
- R. Harris, Z.J. Wang and Y. Liu, “Efficient Implementation of High-Order Spectral Volume Method for Multidimensional Conservation Laws on Unstructured Grids”, AIAA-2007-912.
- K. Varma, H. Hu and Z.J. Wang, “Numerical Investigation of The Effect Of Buoyancy on the Wake Instability of a Heated Cylinder in a Contra Flow” AIAA-2007-0801.
- M. Tamai, G. He, Z.J. Wang, G. Rajagopalan and H. Hu,”Aerodynamic Performance of A Corrugated Dragonfly Airfoil Compared with Smooth Airfoils at Low-Reynolds-Numbers”, AIAA-2007-0483, 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting And Exhibit, Jan 8 – 11, 2007, Reno, Nevada.
- X. Lv, Y. Zhao,X.Y. Huang, G.H. Xia, and Z.J. Wang, “An Efficient Parallel/Multigrid Preconditioned Implicit Compressible Solver on Unstructured Grids for Simulating 3D Unsteady Flows with Moving Objects,” Journal of Computational Physics. Volume 215, Issue 2, 1 July 2006, Pages 661-690.
- Y. Liu, M. Vinokur, and Z.J. Wang, “Discontinuous Spectral Difference Method for Conservation Laws on Unstructured Grids,” Journal of Computational Physics Vol. 216, pp. 780-801 (2006).
- Y. Sun, Z.J. Wang and Y. Liu, “Spectral (Finite) Volume Method for Conservation Laws on Unstructured Grids VI: Extension to Viscous Flow,” Journal of Computational Physics Vol. 215, No. 1, pp. 41-58 (2006).
- Y. Liu, M. Vinokur, and Z.J. Wang, ” Spectral (Finite) Volume Method for Conservation Laws on Unstructured Grids V: Extension to Three-Dimensional Systems,” Journal of Computational Physics Vol. 212, pp. 454-472 (2006).
- Z.J. Wang and Y. Liu, “Extension of the Spectral Volume Method to High-Order Boundary Representation,” Journal of Computational Physics Vol. 211, pp. 154-178 (2006).
- R. Kannan and Z.J. Wang, “A Parallel Overset Adaptive Cartesian/Prism Grid Method for Moving Boundary Flow Problems”, in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Ghent, Belgium, July 2006.
- Z.J. Wang, Y. Sun, C. Liang and Y. Liu, “Extension of the Spectral Difference Method to Viscous Flow on Unstructured Grids”, in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Ghent, Belgium, July 2006.
- Sun, Y., Wang, Z.J. and Liu, Y., “High-Order Multidomain Spectral Difference Method for the Navier-Stokes Equations,” AIAA-2006-0301.
- Wang, Zhu and Wang, Z.J., “A Fast Level Set Method with Particle Correction on Adaptive Cartesian Grid,” AIAA-2006-0887.
- Yoon, S., Na, S., Wang, Z.J., Bons, J.P. and Shih, T.I-P., “Flow and Heat Transfer over Rough Surfaces: Usefulness of 2-D Roughness-Resolved Simulations,” AIAA-2006-0025.
2005 & before
- Wang, Z.J. and Liu, Y., “The Spectral Difference Method for the 2D Euler Equations on Unstructured Grids ,” AIAA-2005-5112.
- Huang, P.G., Wang, Z.J. and Liu, Y.,”An Implicit Space-Time Spectral Difference Method for Discontinuity Capturing Using Adaptive Polynomials,” AIAA-2005-5255.
- B. Greschner, C. Yu, S. Zheng, M. Zhuang, Z. J. Wang and F. Thiele, “Knowledge Based Airfoil Aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic Design,” AIAA-2005-2968.
- Wang, Zhu. and Wang, Z.J.,”Multi-Phase Flow Computation with Semi-Lagrangian Level Set Method on Adaptive Cartesian Grids,” AIAA-2005-1390.
- Wang, Z.J. and Kannan,R.,”An Overset Adaptive Cartesian/Prism Grid Method for Moving Boundary Flow Problems,” AIAA-2005-0322.
- Liu, Y., Vinokur, M. and Wang, Z.J. ,”Multi-Dimensional Spectral Difference Method for Unstructured Grids,” AIAA-2005-0320.
- Grove, D. and Wang, Z.J., “Computational Fluid Dynamics Study of Turbulence Modeling for an Ogive Using a 2N Tree Based Cartesian Grid Generator,” AIAA-2005-1042.
- Wang, Z.J., “Computation of Aeroacoustic Waves with High-Order Spectral Volume Method,” in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics,Toronto, Canada, July 12-16 2004.
- Liu, Y., Vinokur, M. and Wang, Z.J., “Discontinuous Spectral Difference Method for Conservation Laws on Unstructured Grids,” in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics,Toronto, Canada, July 12-16 2004.
- Sun, Y.Z. and Wang, Z.J., “Evaluation of discontinuous Galerkin and spectral volume methods for scalar and system conservation laws on unstructured grids,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 45, No. 8, pp. 819-838 (2004).
- Srinivasan, K., Wang, Z.J., Yuan, W. and Sun, R., “Vehicle Thermal Management Simulation Using a Rapid Omni-Tree Based Adaptive Cartesian Mesh Generation Methodology,” in Proceedings of 2004 ASME Heat Transfer/Fluid Engineering Summer Conference, July 11-15, 2004, Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S.A.
- Wang, Z.J., Chi, X.K., Shih, T. I-P., Bons, J., “Direct Simulation of Surface Roughness Effects with RANS and DES Approaches on Viscous Adaptive Cartesian Grids,” AIAA Paper No. 2004-2420.
- Sun, Yuzhi and Wang, Z.J., “High-Order Spectral Volume Method for the Navier-Stokes Equations on Unstructured Grids,” AIAA Paper No. 2004-2133.
- Wang, Zhu and Wang, Z.J., “The Level Set Method on Adaptive Cartesian Grid For Interface Capturing,” AIAA Paper No. 2004-0082.
- Z.J. Wang, L. Zhang and Y. Liu, “Spectral (Finite) Volume Method for Conservation Laws on Unstructured Grids IV: Extension to Two-Dimensional Euler Equations “, J. of Comput. Physics, Vol. 194, No. 2, pp. 716-741 (2004).here
- Wang, Z.J. and Liu, Yen, “Spectral (Finite) Volume Method for Conservation Laws on Unstructured Grids III: Extension to One-Dimensional Systems”, J. Scientific Computing, Vol. 20 No. 1, pp.137-157 (2004). here
- Sun, Yuzhi and Wang, Z.J., “Evaluation of Discontinuous Galerkin and Spectral Volume Methods for 2D Euler Equations on Unstructured Grids,” in Proceedings of 16th AIAA CFD Conference, Orlando, Florida, 2003, also AIAA Paper No. 2003-3680.
- Liu, Y., Vinokur, M. and Wang, Z.J., “Three-Dimensional High-Order Spectral Finite Volume Method for Unstructured Grids” in Proceedings of 16th AIAA CFD Conference, Orlando, Florida, 2003, also AIAA Paper No. 2003-3837.
- Zhang, L.P. and Wang, Z.J., “A Block LU-SGS Implicit Dual Time-Stepping Algorithm for Hybrid Dynamic Meshes,” in Proceedings of 16th AIAA CFD Conference, Orlando, Florida, 2003, also AIAA Paper No. 2003-3886.
- Sun, Yuzhi and Wang, Z.J., “Evaluation of Discontinuous Galerkin and Spectral Volume Methods for Conservation Laws on Unstructured Grids,”AIAA Paper No. 2003-0253. here
- Wang, Z.J., “High-Order Spectral Volume Method for Benchmark Aeroacoustic Problems,” AIAA Paper No. 2003-0880. here
- Wang, Z.J. and Liu, Yen, “Spectral (Finite) Volume Method for Conservation Laws on Unstructured Grids II: Extension to Two-Dimensional Scalar Equation”, J. Comput. Physics, Vol. 179, pp. 665-697 (2002).here
- Wang, Z.J., “Spectral (Finite) Volume Method for Conservation Laws on Unstructured Grids: Basic Formulation”, J. Computational Physics, Vol. 178, pp. 210-251 (2002).here
- Wang, Z.J., Przekwas, A.J. and Liu, Yen, “A FV-TD Electromagnetic Solver Using Adaptive Cartesian Grids,” Computer Physics Communications, Vol. 148, pp. 17-29 (2002). here
- Wang, Z.J. and R.F. Chen, “Anisotropic Solution-Adaptive Viscous Cartesian Grid Method for Turbulent Flow Simulation“, AIAA Journal, Vol. 40, No. 10., pp. 1969-1978 (2002).
- Wang, Z.J. and Srinivasan, K., “An Adaptive Cartesian Grid Generation Method for ‘Dirty’ Geometry,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids , Vol. 39, pp. 703-717, 2002, here.
- Wang, Z.J., and Liu, Yen, “A High-Order Spectral (Finite) Volume Method for Conservation Laws on Unstructured Grids,” AIAA-2002-1058 .
- Wang, Z.J., and Sun Yuzhi, “A Curvature-Based Wall Boundary Condition for the Euler Equations on Unstructured Grids,” AIAA-2002-0966 .
- Wang, Z.J. and Chen, R.F., “Parallel Adaptive Cartesian Grid Method for Viscous Flow with Complex Geometries,” CFD Journal, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp.575-584, 2002.
- Wang, Z.J. and Chen R.F., “Optimized Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory Schemes for Linear Waves with Discontinuity“, J. of Computational Physics, vol. 174, No. 1, pp. 381-404, 2001.
- Wang, Z.J., Hariharan, N and Chen, R.F., “Recent Development on the Conservation Property of Chimera”, International J. of Computational Fluid Dynamics , Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 265-278, 2001.
- Wang, Z.J. and Srinivasan, K., “Complex Dirty Geometry Handling with an Interior-to-Boundary Grid Generation Method,” AIAA Paper No. 2001-2538 , 2001.
- Wang, Z.J. and Chen, R.F., “Optimized Essentially Non-Oscillatory Schemes for Computational Aeroacoustics,” AIAA Paper No. 2001-1101 , 2001.
- Wang, Z.J. and Chen, R.F., “Anisotropic Cartesian Grid Method for Viscous Turbulent Flow,” AIAA Paper No. 2000-0395(gzipped) , 2000.
- Chen, R.F. and Wang, Z.J., “Fast, Block Lower-Upper Symmetric Gauss Seidel Scheme for Arbitrary Grids,” AIAA Journal, vol. 38, no. 12, pp. 2238-2245, 2000.
- Wang, Z.J. and V. Parthasarathy, “A Fully Automated Chimera Methodology for Multiple Moving Body Problems,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids , vol. 33, No. 7, pp 919-938, 2000.
- Wang, Z.J., “A Fast Nested Multi-Grid Viscous Flow Solver for Adaptive Cartesian/Quad Grids,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 657-680, 2000.
- Wang, Z.J., “Improved Formulation for Geometric Properties of Arbitrary Polyhedra,” AIAA Journal , vol. 37, pp 255, 1999.
- Wang, Z.J., Chen, R.F., N. Hariharan, A.J. Przekwas and D. Grove, “A 2^N Tree Based Automated Viscous Cartesian Grid Methodology for Feature Capturing,” AIAA Paper No. 99-3300 , 1999.
- Wang, Z.J. and Bayyuk, S.A., “An Automated, Adaptive, Unstructured, Cartesian-Prism-Based Technique for Moving Boundary Simulations,” in Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Field Simulations, pp. 619-628, University of Greenwich, London, July 1998. pdf